
Life Consulting

“Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.” – Oprah Winfrey

We all encounter struggle in our lives, but we may not realize the internal strength within to assist during hard times. Sometimes it takes a catalyst to acquire, acknowledge and utilize our inner strength to overcome adversity. If you are seeking a catalyst in your life to initiate positive change, help you find direction, assist you in healing from past crises, and/or provide you guidance in connecting with self, then this is the service for you.  With my extensive experience in mental and emotional health, I am able to support those in need of making positive life-altering decisions.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Workshops

“There is no growth in comfort and no comfort in growth.” – Anonymous

Inclusion can be defined as the process of involving and valuing all people regardless of their differences. My DEI workshops are designed to assist participants in learning more about others, but, most importantly, learning about themselves. Participants gain a deeper understanding of how to navigate an ever increasingly multicultural world inclusively. Every Diversity, Equity and Inclusion workshop is individually crafted to meet the needs of the client. Two free consultations are provided with each workshop to ensure goals of the presentation are met. If you are looking to shift from managing diversity to learning how to leverage difference book a workshop today!


Group Dynamic Workshops

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford

Communication is the key to sustaining a healthy group dynamic. My group dynamic workshops are designed to aid participants in learning how to communicate better as a team in order to aid in successfully completing and meeting goals while decreasing group friction.


Dating and Relationship Consulting

“Ironically, the emotion that could break you is also the very same emotion that could heal you: LOVE.” –

If you are an “I” seeking to become a “we” allow me to help you in exploring aspects of your life that may be keeping you from finding your “other”. If you are searching for a way to resolve existing issues within a relationship, or simply looking to strengthen your existing bond, allow me to assist with your relationship growth.